Programming at Rising ConFusion 2022 is as diverse and amazing as its members.
Each track build panels from the ground up and we are always looking for new ideas and people to involved. This includes Artists, Authors, Game Masters, Musicians, Cos-Players, and much more!
For 2022 we are dedicated to providing our programming in the safest possible manner. As such we’re changing a few things. This year we’re placing most of our panels in the larger ballrooms located on the main floor of the Sheraton. This will allow us to ensure proper space for panelists and participants alike. We’re excited!
If you are interested in becoming a Presenter/Panelist/Game Master, please click the button below and fill out the form!
If you have ideas for panels you would like to see or present, please click the button below and fill out the form!
Questions regarding programming at Rising ConFusion? Reach out to Emily, our Head of Programming: